Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How do I place an order?
  3. How will I know you received my order?
  5. When will my order ship?
  7. When will my credit card be charged?
  9. What credit cards do you accept?
  11. Is it safe to use my credit card on your site?
  13. Is there a minimum order quantity?
  15. Will I be charged sales tax?
  17. Will I be charged sales tax?
  19. Who do you use to ship orders?
  21. What shipping methods are available for orders to Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico?
  23. Is it possible to expedite my shipment?
  25. How long does it take to ship if you are out of stock on an item?
  27. How is freight calculated?
  29. What is your return policy?
  31. What are your pricing policies?
  33. What do I do if my order arrives damaged?
  35. What if I need a claim for shortages or other issues?
  37. Do you have any terms under which freight is pre-paid?
  39. Can I order customized signage with my company name, logo and/or specialized slogans?
  41. What are your policies regarding quantities shipped in a custom sign card order?
  43. What is the difference in the papers used in sign cards, i.e. Coated vs. Uncoated vs. Ultra Glo?
  45. What does it mean when it says a sign is “die-cut”?
  47. What does it mean when a sign card is called a “Laser Sign”?
  49. What do the terms 2-UP, 4-UP, etc. mean?
  51. I have an Ink-Jet printer to print pricing information. Which sign cards should I use?
  53. I have a Laser (toner) printer to print pricing information. Which sign cards should I use?
  55. I would like to begin printing my sign cards with a computer and printer. What printer should I buy?
  57. What does the term “shelf talker” mean?
  59. In the Ready Flow pen-sets, what is the difference between the Special Performance and the Water Kolor Inks?
  61. Can I receive a printed catalog of your products?
    Orders can be placed through this website, by faxing 479-636-4769, or by calling 800-637-6628.
    You will receive a confirmation email that your order was received.
    Most orders of in-stock merchandise ship within 1-2 business days after the order is received. Delivery time will vary by destination and ranges from 1 - 5 days.
    Your credit card will be charged upon completion of the final “confirmation” step at the end of our checkout process.
    Visa, MasterCard, and Discover
    Yes. Our site has been fully tested and approved for on-line security, and we do not store any credit card information after your transaction is complete.
    There is no minimum order quantity, however there is a handling charge of $15 for any orders that total less than $25 before tax and shipping.
    If your ship-to destination is in the state of Arkansas, you may be charged sales tax.
    Yes, sales tax is required on not-for-resale store supply items that you use, based upon your states regulations.
    All merchandise is shipped via UPS, FedEx Ground, FedEx Express or LTL carrier, F.O.B our factory.
    For these areas we currently ship USPS.
    Yes, you will have that option at the time you finalize your order at checkout.
    While out-of-stock items are rare, they do occasionally happen due to unforeseen demand. In most cases, stock replenishment occurs in two weeks or less.
    Freight is calculated using UPS or FedEx shipping rates based on the total weight of your order and your ship-to destination ZIP code.
    All returns and credits must have prior authorization. Returned goods must be in re-salable condition. Returns, including duplicated orders, are subject to a restocking fee of 15%, and all return freight charges must be paid by the customer. To receive a return authorization, call 800-643-3466.
    Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include shipping charges. All prices are in U.S. dollars.
    We are committed to making sure your order gets to you in perfect condition. All orders are in good condition when they leave our warehouse. However, accidents occasionally occur during shipping. If you see any damage when your order arrives, follow these steps:
    • Do not accept the shipment until after the delivery person has noted the damage on the freight bill.
    • Do not unpack the shipment.
    • Immediately call the carrier and request an inspection, which is required before you file the damage claim.
    • If you do not notice the damage until after you have unpacked the order, save all boxes and packing material and immediately call us at 800-643-3466. While we cannot accept responsibility for damages that occur during shipping, we do want to see damaged shipment issues resolved to your satisfaction. Contact your customer service representative at 800-643-3466 if you need help filing a claim with the carrier.
    Claims for unsatisfactory merchandise, items shipped incorrectly, items ordered incorrectly or shortages must receive prior authorization for credit, and must be made within two weeks after receipt of the shipment. To receive a credit authorization, call 800-643-3466.
    No. Freight will be added to each order.
    Absolutely! For details, please visit the Custom Sign Cards, or Custom Posters pages of this website.
    On any CUSTOM printed order, we can adjust the total quantity shipped by up to 10% (over or under) your actual order request, depending upon the actual results of production.
    Coated - This white card stock has a coating that is applied to one side that gives it a glossy appearance. The cardstock is .008 inches thick. Uncoated - Our uncoated white card stock has a non-glossy surface. Stock thickness is .008 inches. Ultra Glo – This card stock has a full fluorescent color on one side. Stock thickness is approximately .008 inches. It comes in 5 different colors – Red (R) , Magenta (M) , Yellow (Y) , Green (G) or Peach (P).
    Many sign cards are cut from card stock into unique non-rectangular shapes, such as stars, bursts, circles, arrows, bottle-neckers, etc. A die is used to stamp that shape out of the card stock.
    This is common terminology used for sign cards that are designed to be printed with product and pricing information using a computer program and a printer. These are normally produced on full size sheets – 8.5x11 or sometimes 7x11 – and that sheet is perforated into smaller individual signs, which will be separated after printing. Although designed for printers, these signs can also be hand-written.
    With regard to laser signs, this indicates how many of the smaller individual signs are on a full sheet. For example, an 8.5 x 11 - 4UP sheet will be separated into four smaller signs using the perforations.
    We recommend that you use only sign cards produced on uncoated card stock. In most ink-jet printers, the ink will not dry properly on coated or Ultra Glo stock.
    Any of the rectangular sign cards we produce will work well in laser printers. Make sure you test your printer for compatibility with sheets smaller or larger than 8.5 x 11 before your purchase those signs to print in this manner.
    The most important step is to thoroughly test in the printer all of the types of sign cards and/or label sheets you may want to print, BEFORE you choose one. Bear in mind that INK printers will limit your versatility. While many brands can print in-store effectively, our experience is that Lexmark printers generally have the best track record among our customers.
    Sign cards that are smaller in size (usually 6 or more per 8.5x11 sheet) that are used for large quantity shelf-signing programs in a retail store, such as ad programs, temporary price reduction programs, etc. Some of these include a “U” shaped slit to enhance the attachment to the shelf-edge price channel on a store shelf. Sometimes called “bib-tags”. These are produced on both adhesive and non-adhesive materials.
    Special Performance Inks - Ink used in Ready Flow pen-sets that is designed for use on paper AND on non-porous media like vinyl, glass, metal, etc. Water-Kolor Inks - Ink used in Ready Flow pen-sets that is designed for use on paper-only media. Both types of ink currently come in 5 colors – Black, red, green, yellow, or blue.
    Yes. To receive a printed catalog, please contact us at or call 800-643-3466.